Marketing Assistant & Copywriter


Paris was born and raised in Washington but now spends her days in Alaska after being imported by her first love years after reconnecting. On a less than ideal day in terms of weather, she can be found with a bottomless bag of snacks while attending any of her required obligations - work, baseball, tee-ball, diving and even gymnastics up until recently. On a warm and sunny day, she's literally MIA. Nowhere to be found. Off the grid with zero hopes of being located. If foul play is to be blamed, you won’t know until it’s cold or rainy again. 

As much as she complains about Alaska, she actually does love it quite a lot, unless it's between late January and anytime through February. If it’s in that 4-8 week window, she’s probably hiding in Washington or has guilted her husband into taking her spoiled butt to Hawaii.

She is the mom to three blonde haired, green eyed girls.....that all have her shining attitude and their father’s……charm? She’s kind of crunchy, hates wearing real pants, loathes almost any timeline and dislikes clocks of any sort. Her honey-do list is a mile long, she’s incapable of staying home for more than a day in a row, and runs mostly on iced coffee.